Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bass booster found (yay!)

I thought that I couldn't turn up the bass on my iPod Nano. Fortunately, TOTJ Steve (see comments to the linked post) was right--I finally got around to giving the online iPod Nano User Guide a look, and it turns out that one can boost the bass by going, right on the iPod Nano's touch screen, to Settings, Music, EQ, Bass Booster.

I hope that I can now listen to Mark's/PT's music and do his bass-playing justice.

I also learned that I can actually turn the iPod off completely, which I didn't know was possible--I thought it had a "sleep" mode only. All I have to do to turn it off is to hold down the Sleep/Wake button for several seconds, and I can turn it back on the same way. This may save some wear and tear. I'm delighted to learn this. It's better for both the environment and my wallet if I don't have to replace my iPod every year.

In equally-encouraging news, I did a quick perusal of our new Canon PowerShot S95 camera's 196-page User Guide a couple of weeks ago and discovered that the "lighted-candle" icon on the top-of-the-camera settings dial (as opposed to the back-of-the-camera settings dial) is the auto setting for shooting photos in low light. I'm still convinced that I'll need an actual course to figure out how to use this camera on the manual settings, but at least I might be able to take better concert shots until I'm able to take a class.

I like good news. :)


Anonymous Too Old to Jewschool Steve said...

>>All I have to do to turn it off is to hold down the Sleep/Wake button for several seconds, and I can turn it back on the same way. This may save some wear and tear. I'm delighted to learn this. It's better for both the environment and my wallet if I don't have to replace my iPod every year.<<

There is no "wear and tear". Your ipod has no moving parts. It will outlast all of us. The only reasons to replace it would be the need for larger capacity, loss, or "device envy" which is basically Apple's entire marketing strategy.

Sun Feb 27, 05:48:00 PM 2011  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

""device envy"

That works pretty well as a marketing strategy in our "gotta-have-it" society. My son's already sorry that he didn't buy a fancier phone, and can't understand why I didn't trade this one in for a Droid. My answer is that, thus far, I don't really think that I need one. (As a friend of ours pointed out, that may change, once I'm no longer sitting in front of a computer all day for a living.) But hey, what does *needing* something have to do with marketing? It's all about "I want it" and/or "keeping up with the Joneses."

Sun Feb 27, 08:03:00 PM 2011  

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